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Hudson Valley Friends for Suicide Prevention is a charitable component fund with Community Foundations of the Hudson Valley. As such, we fall under their EIN/Tax ID #23-7026859, and donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law. There are so many ways to give/support us. Whether as a volunteer or a benefactor, we appreciate your willingness to help. Dozens of schools, church and community groups turn to us for life-saving programs and funding, and our ability to help depends on the resources we have available. Please support us today as a #HVLifeSaver, because every little bit counts.

So Many Ways to Give:

(current as of May 2021)



Click the purple "support Our Cause" box to the right to be redirected to the Community Foundations of the Hudson Valley website which processes your donations year-round on our behalf. Or, to support us during the month of May, #MentalHealthMattersMonth, click here to donate to our Hudson Valley Gives Campaign (#HVGives).


Cash or Check

A simple way to make a donation, these gifts are fully deductible up to 50 percent of the your adjusted gross income in any one year. Deduction amounts exceeding this limit may be carried forward for up to five additional years.

You can send your contribution of cash or checks, payable to 'Community Foundations of the Hudson Valley' with 'HV Friends for Suicide Prevention' written in the memo line to:

Community Foundations of the Hudson Valley
25 Van Wagner Road, Suite 2
Poughkeepsie, NY 12603


Wire Transfer

The same guidelines for tax deductibility apply to wire transfers. You can complete a wire transfer with these details.

Stocks, Bonds & Mutual Funds

Gifts of appreciated stocks, bonds and mutual funds are often the most tax wise way for you to give. If held for more than one year, your charitable contribution is the fair market value of the stocks, bonds or mutual funds, and is deductible up to 30 percent of your adjusted gross income. As with gifts of cash, deduction amounts exceeding this limit may be carried forward for up to five additional years. An added benefit of giving appreciated securities is the avoidance of the capital gains tax on the appreciated portion of the gift.

Click Here to Access our Fillable Stock Donation Form


Life Insurance

Do you own a life insurance policy that you no longer need? Do you know that you can name the Community Foundations/HV Friends for Suicide Prevention as the owner and full or partial beneficiary of an existing or new life insurance policy? Yes, you can, and, if you do, you receive an immediate tax deduction for the policy’s cash value. If you are still making premium payments to keep the policy current, they may also qualify for a deduction. You may also keep ownership of the insurance policy and name HV Friends for Suicide Prevention as the beneficiary (see Future Giving link).

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Click HERE to be a #HVLifeSaver
with an online donation
Dollar Bill in Jar




Future/Planned Giving:

Wills & Bequests; Charitable Remainder Trusts & Charitable Lead Trusts, for example. Click here for more information. 


Closely Held Stock

Donating the closely held stock of your business to Hudson Valley Friends for Suicide Prevention offers you a charitable deduction for the appraised fair market value and an avoidance of capital gains tax. 


Real Estate

Whether it's a home, building, or land, we can help you turn this asset into a charitable gift. If held for more than one year, real estate usually provides the same tax benefits as gifts of securities.


Need Help?

You can always contact the Community Foundations to discuss your philanthropic options.

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